April 11th, 2024
Welcome to another beta update, today's episode brought to you by... sections!
Available soon via TestFlight
✅ Features
Album Sections can be reordered/deleted/renamed
(Right-click context menu for now, better UX coming soon!)
Spiffy animations on the Album Grid for moving/deleting/creating albums/sections
❤️🩹 Fixed
Data model is now properly versioned
≤ v0.2 users will see a migration pop-up. If there are any issues, email support@cabinette.app
Crash when deleting album in created section
Clicking the new album placeholder in a section should put the album in that section, not back in “Unassigned”
⚠️ Known issues:
Reordering new section down causes jump to bottom when multiple sections exist
Section buttons don’t show disabled state initially
Album Tracks
Album track reordering does not always animate
Track indices should start from 1, not 0
Tracks are not copied to a central location; if the original is removed, the app's reference to it no longer works.
All drag placeholders should be clickable
Clicking “hide sidebar” can freeze app